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This Week in 9/15 Worship

My vision for Grace is that we experience that same spirit of joy every Sunday when we gather for worship. It may not include hamburgers on the grill, but our joy comes from being together in community. I look forward to seeing you each week in worship. This Sunday we start a new sermon series in traditional worship about Jonah. It is a whale of a story (even though it is actually a big fish, not a whale). We also start our new worship schedule. The 11:00 traditional worship now begins at 10:30 and will include the choir (they will sing both services).

Weekly Devotion: 10 Debate Mistakes from The Bible

As long as there’s been free will, people have been debating the issues. The Bible has several examples of debates, with some notable winners and losers. Here are 10 times in the Bible where people made mistakes when debating. Also included is how those mistakes might playout in a modern debate. The examples given are not intended to lean one way or the other, and ChatGPT deserves credit for helping me keep things nice and concise! Keep this handy while watching the debate and see how many fallacies you can identify!

Grace Notes – Sept 9


Homecoming 2024!, Women’s Connections, Sept.15th Worship, COG 25th Anniversary, The Burger Boys, This Week at Grace, Y.E.S. Trip, HOMECOMING 2024!  It Was a Great Day!

This Week in 9/8 Worship

Here are the details for Sunday in case you need a reminder. We have one worship service for the entire church in the Celebration Center at 10:30 AM. It will be filled with great music, a special time for children and a sermon by Dan Meers who is the KC Wolf. After the service we are having a cookout with hamburgers, hotdogs and a vegetarian option. There are activities for children, music by the Basement Boyz, an ice cream truck and plenty of fellowship with your church family. All you need is a lawn chair (we will have extra chairs if you forget). We will have some tents and tables set up if you want a shady spot to sit. The KC Wolf will also be signing autographs and have some of his books for sale. It will be a great morning for people of all ages.

Weekly Devotion: Are You an Influencer?

The daughter of a friend of mine has over a million followers on TikTok.

She lip-syncs, and mugs for the camera (she’s gorgeous) and models clothing her sponsors try to sell. It’s not just a hobby. She’s actually making money off this!

The name of her profession? Influencer.

Homecoming Worship & Party – 9/8!

September 8 – Homecoming Sunday Combined Inside Worship at 10:30 Wear your favorite team shirt. Special MusicSpecial Guest Speaker: Dan Meers – KC Wolf! Outside Party at 11:30 Free Cookout Lunch Provided Free Ice Cream Truck Treats Basement Boys Music Staff/Youth Kickball Game and more!

Grace Notes – Sept 3

September 8th Worship, Volunteers Needed, Kids/Youth Sept. 1 & 8, Ice Cream Social, Time Change, COG 25th Anniversary, Join a Small Group!, Y.E.S. Fellowship, The Burger Boys, This Week at Grace, Connections, Y.E.S. Trip

This Week in 9/1 Worship

So, what does tennis have to do with being the church? It does start every match with the score love-love. Maybe that gives us a hint, but you will have to join us in worship this Sunday to find out more.

Sept Senior Adult Newsletter

The september senior adult newsletter

Weekly Devotion: Take This Job and…

After 4 months, I’d had enough. I put in my notice and quit, with no other job lined up. It was a reckless decision, and I came close to flipping burgers to make ends meet. Remarkably, I landed a job as a youth director in a church, and the rest is history.

Grace Notes – Aug 26


September 1st Worship, Care Ministry Seminar, Kids/Youth Sept. 1 & 8, Prayer Blankets, Homecoming Sunday, In Loving Memory, Time Change, This Week at Grace, Join a Small Group!, Y.E.S. Fall Trip, Church Office Closed, Ice Cream Social, September 1st Worship

This Week in 8/25 Worship

This Sunday, Mitch and I will switch places as we talk about the importance of small groups in the church. It is in smaller groups that we often find the deepest connections with each other and with God. If you are looking for a place to come home and be safe, there is no better place than Grace United Methodist Church.

Weekly Devotion: (Insert Your Name)’s Version

Would you like to record new versions of your past mistakes? Lay down some new tracks and chart a new path? I know I’d like to. I don’t want to just learn from my past mess-ups, I want to remake them into something better.

Grace Notes – Aug 19


August 25th Worship, Women’s Groups, Celebration Dist. Supt., Care Ministry Seminar, Kids/Youth Sept. 1 & 8, Prayer Blankets, Homecoming Sunday, In Loving Memory, Time Change, This Week at Grace, Fall Studies, Ice Cream Social, Office Closed, As The Page Turns

This Week in 8/18 Worship

This fall we decided to create an event at Grace we are calling Homecoming Sunday! Like my experience returning to the church of my childhood, we know that things are always changing in a church, but there are also things that always feel familiar. The church is a place that should be filled with stories that have shaped our lives. Most of all, we want Grace to be a place that you call home.

Weekly Devotion: Liars!

Welcome to our world. It’s full of liars.

Liars on the internet. Liars in churches. Liars running for office. Liars reporting the news. Liars selling dubious products. Maybe even liars in your own family. Lies, lies, lies.

Grace Notes – Aug 12

August 18th Worship, The Burger Boys, Time Change, Care Ministry Seminar, 6th Grade Move Up, As the Page Turns, Ice Cream Social, In Loving Memory, Connections, This Week at Grace, Fall Studies, Spam Texts & Emails

Fall 2024 Bible Studies and Small Groups 

Registration for the new Fall 2024 study groups at Grace is here!

Grace Notes – Aug 5

IN THIS ISSUE: August 11th Worship, GUMY Summer, Time Change, The Burger Boys, Giving Statements, Care Ministry Seminar, Women’s Groups, This Week at Grace, Silver Set Lunch, 6th Grade Move Up

This Week in 8/4 Worship

This Sunday, we are kicking off a new sermon series to carry us into the Fall called “Homecoming: When Faith Takes the Field.” It will conclude on September 8 with one big worship service at 10:30 AM followed by an All-Church celebration and lunch which will include activities for the entire family.


Do you know any Carols? They are invaluable people. They are highly capable, and stepped up when others wouldn’t. They have made it part of their life’s work to keep a tradition, an organization, a group, etc. alive and kicking.

Spotlight Newsletter – August

The August newsletter for senior adults

Grace Notes – July 29

In this issue: August 4th Worship, Silver Set Lunch, Giving Statements, Clothing Closet, The Burger Boys, Y.E.S. First Friday, Care Ministry Seminar, This Week at Grace, Handbell Ringer Needed

This Week in 7/28 Worship

The Administrative Board met this week and approved two significant changes at Grace. I am excited about both changes and the possibilities they bring.

Weekly Devotion: Well, That Was Awkward

I actually pride myself on cracking a good joke or preaching an inspirational sermon, but I still can’t avoid that occasional stumble: Inappropriate humor, inattentive listening, or missing some incredibly obvious social cues, I’ve done it all.

Grace Notes – July 22

In this issue: GUMY HS Mission Trip, Clothing Closet, VBS Video, Friday Fellowship, July 28th Worship, 25th Anniversary, Outdoor Worship, Women’s Groups, July 28th Backpack Deadline, This Week at Grace, Silver Set Lunch

This Week in 7/21 Worship

We don’t have monthly potlucks at Grace, but we have added them back in about five times a year. Our next potluck is this coming Sunday at 11:30 AM in Grace Gathering.

Weekly Devotion: Feeling Blue, Seeing Red

Longing for a purple world? I wouldn’t plan on it.

Grace Notes – July 15

In this issue: July 21st Worship, Women’s Groups, Outdoor Worship, 25th Anniversary, All-Church Potluck, This Week at Grace, Backpacks for our Kids, Information Deadlines, Silver Set Lunch, The Clothing Closet

This Week in 7/14 Worship

I have been pondering the appeal of this group. It is made up of men from all ages. The youngest is still in our GUMY youth group and at least one of the attendees is in his nineties. It is made up of people from each of our worship services and some who don’t come to worship at all.

Weekly Devotion: Stick-to-it-ive-ness

Diets, exercise, even daily devotional time–they’re all habits I’ve tried to adopt, and then drifted away from. It’s not that I’m a quitter, per se, but when it comes to self-improvement, I seem to be all over the place. Do I lack “stick-to-it-ive-ness”? Do I treat “discipline” as a dirty word?

Grace Notes – July 8

In this issue: Spam Texts & Emails, Care Seminar, July 14th Worship, Backpacks for our Kids, Outdoor Worship, The Burger Boys, All-Church Potluck, Women’s Groups, The Clothing Closet, This Week at Grace, Grace Ambassadors, Information Deadlines

This week in 7/7 worship

I was sitting in the same exact spot last year on the Fourth of July. I know that is not an earth-shattering revelation to most people, but it made me realize that I have now been in Olathe for an entire year serving as your pastor. It was the first time that I was doing something for the second time in Olathe.

Weekly Devotion: Paws and Reflect

Have you heard? All over the country, there are millions who are dreading this Fourth of July. They are hiding under beds, crouched into corners, whimpering in fear.
I’m not talking about the people. I’m talking about the dogs!

Grace Notes – July 1

In this issue: July 7th Worship, Women’s Groups, >8 AM Outdoor Worship, Grace Tumblers, Grace Ambassadors, VBS – Start the Party!, The Clothing Closet, This Week at Grace, Care Ministry Seminar, Backpacks for Our Kids, Church Office Closed, Y.E.S. First Friday

Caring Congregation Training Event

Pastors and laity are trained to link arms to create a culture of care that is available to all members of the church and not just a selected few who might be in small groups or more well known. Trusted volunteers become Congregational Care Ministers or CCMs. This method of care is also recognized as a means for self-care for pastors as they share the daily load of ministry. 

This Week in 6/30 Worship

I know the title of my email is this week in worship, but first I want to tell you what is happening at the church on Saturday morning.

July Senior Adult Newsletter

The July issue of the YES Spotlight newsletter for seniors

On Your Classroom Wall?

Did you know that only 74% of Americans are Jewish or Christian? That’s a majority, for sure, but is it enough to require putting the 10 Commandments on an 11″ x 14″ poster in every classroom?

Grace Notes – June 24

In this issue: June 30th Worship, Tumbler Ministry, 8 AM Outdoor Worship, Start the Party, Grace Ambassadors, First Fridays, Care Ministry Seminar, This Week at Grace, Volunteers Needed, Summer Hours, Backpacks for Our Kids

Camp SOS 2024 Recap Video

Enjoy this recap of the missions work done by our preteens in 2024.

This Week in 6/23 Worship

This Sunday we will start a new sermon series that I have been planning for five years, I just had not planned it for Grace.

VBS July 15-18: Register/Volunteer/Donate

VBS July 15-18: Register/Volunteer/Donate

Grace Notes – June 17

In this issue: June 23rd Worship, As the Page Turns, 8 AM Outdoor Worship, Disney Event, Summer Office Hours, Care Ministry Seminar, This Week at Grace, Start the Party!

This Week in June 16 Worship

This Sunday we will celebrate Wesley’s ordination at Grace. A reception will be held at the coffee shop between 10:00 and 11:00 am. Come and enjoy a piece of cake as we congratulate Wesley on his journey.

Weekly Devotion: Why Bother Praying?

Up in heaven, there is a mighty legion of angels, sitting at switchboards, answering prayers. The angels hear a prayer, evaluate its intensity, and respond accordingly. The really BIG prayers go up to the ladder for God to handle.

Hmm. Is that how prayer works? Not sure about that.

Grace Notes – June 10

June 16th Worship, The Burger Boys, 8 AM Outdoor Worship, Grace Shirts, Reception for Pastor Wes, Disney Event, Blood Drive, Blanket Ministry, Summer Office Hours, This Week at Grace, Care Ministry Seminar, Start the Party! VBS

This Week in 6/9 Worship

This Sunday, Pastor Mitch will continue our series on the “Gospel According to Dr. Seuss” by preaching on Yertle the Turtle. The 9:00 am traditional worship will also include a time to commission our youth summer mission trips. Join us in person or online to hear the lesson found in Yertle the Turtle.

Weekly Devotion: Elephants, Chimps, and Dolphins

Elephants, Chimps, and Dolphins. To that list you can add porpoises, parrots, whales, crows, and humans.

What do these creatures have in common? They all have purpose.

Grace Notes – June 3

In this issue: June 9th Worship, Blood Drive, 8 AM Outdoor Worship, Y.E.S. First Friday, Caring Ministry Event, Disney 100 Event, VBS Registration, This Week at Grace, Grace Shirts, Pride Parade

Weekly Devotion: FOMO

I have FOMO: The Fear of Missing Out. I never thought it would happen to me, but sometimes it’s as if everybody else is experiencing rapture, and I’m feeling Left Behind.

Weekly Devotion: Embarrass Your Enemies

Could you imagine a member of some occupying force throwing their backpack in your lap and saying, “let’s go, punk”? They’re the one with all the power in this scenario, so how could you refuse?

Averting My Gaza

I was a student at Southwestern College in Winfield in 1990, when the first Gulf War erupted. And I protested the heck out of it.

Weekly Devotion: Trial of the Century?

There are no less than 30 different trials that folks have considered THE trial of the 20th Century: The Scopes Monkey trial, the Lindbergh kidnapping trial, the impeachment trial of former President Bill Clinton, and of course, who could forget the O.J. Simpson trial?

Weekly Devotion: Are You Qualified?

Remember, Paul was just…a guy. All the accolades came later. He had a lot of religious training growing up, and he had this first-hand experience of Jesus he talked about, but mostly, he was just this really passionate guy trying to spread the good news.

Join Pastor Wes in his podcast!

James helps us to know what the source of conflict is, the dangers of unhealthy conflict, and how to navigate conflict when it comes.

Weekly Devotion: United Methodissed

How do you respond when people are talking smack about you? No, more than just trash talking. Flat out bullying. I’m talking about bitterness, wrath, anger, and malice. All the stuff from this verse from Ephesians. It’s been directed at my denomination, and it’s breaking my heart.

Weekly Devotion: Is God Trustworthy?

Allow me to lean a little. On my own understanding, that is.

See, I have some issues trusting God with ALL my heart. As I’ve experienced it, when somebody says “trust me”, at least 50% of the time they’re hiding something. I guess I’ve just experienced enough shady used-car salespeople to think otherwise.

Weekly Devotion: Could We Reset the Internet?

Let’s make this year an Internet Jubilee. Let’s reset the whole thing.

Let me explain…

Pastor Wes’s April 7 Sermon Link

This is the link to the sermon Pastor Wes is preaching about on April 7.

Weekly Devotion: Switched

Anybody remember “Switched on Bach?” We had it on 8-track when I was growing up. It was created by a guy named Walter Carlos. He took classical Bach pieces and […]

Weekly Devotion: Let’s Go Make Me Famous

It’s kind of a funny sentence. To be glorified, by definition, is “bringing fame or admiration.” So, essentially, Jesus is saying: “Let’s go make me famous.” Ha!

I don’t think that’s exactly how we should interpret this, but it does make me think about Jesus’ fame.

Weekly Devotion: Bloodbath

A certain presidential candidate used the word “bloodbath” recently. There is some debate about in what context he said it. Was it a threat? A prediction? Something else? Just for kicks, I searched my bible for any passages that mentioned both “blood” and “bath”. And look what I found:

Weekly Devotion: The Church is Burning

Here’s what I dreamed last night (really): I was standing just outside a large Sanctuary, with large stones and organ pipes framing the front. It was the end of a trustees meeting. I heard a rumble and looked. There, on the left, chunks of plaster and wood began to fall down, as if the roof […]

Weekly Devotion: Do You Like Me?

He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Matthew 16:15

Is this a design flaw? I seem to care an awful lot about what others think about me. I’ll spend quite a bit of time wondering about people’s real opinion of me. Do they think I’m funny? Nice? Talented? Authentic? Why does it matter so much?

Weekly Devotion: Thomas Jefferson’s Bible

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 If you could edit the Bible, what parts would you cut out? I might be tempted to take out the book of Joshua, with its violent, merciless battles.

Help our Tochi Mission Team

Be a Tochi Buddy! Click link below to DONATE to TOCHI BUDDIES: (through Grace UMC’s giving portal)

Highlight Reel from Blessing Sunday

September 10 we gathered for the blessing of the backpacks, animals, cars – with food truck treats, ministries info, and underwear donation for Center of Grace!

Fall 2023 Bible Studies

Register HERE or use the QR code in the graphic below! Descriptions Find the full brochure with descriptions and all other info here. Jesus in the Gospels About: In a […]

Episodes of Grace Podcast

Do you want to engage in Bible study but maybe you don’t have the time to come for a class? Check out this new podcast. Listen to weekly episodes on […]