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This Sunday in Feb 16 Worship
On Sunday, Pastor Mitch and I will switch places as we continue our sermon series on Gandhi’s Seven Deadly Social Sins. This week our subject is “Worship Without Sacrifice.” Mitch will preach the traditional worship, and I will lead at Common Grace. We are looking forward to exploring some important questions. Why do we come to worship? What does God expect from us? and What difference should worship play in how we live our lives during the week?
Weekly Devotion: Seal
Valentines Day is brought to you this year by Seal.
As a seal.
Did you see the Superbowl ad? It was kind of bizarre, and kind of funny. It certainly didn’t make me crave a Baja Blast, but I guess it got my attention.
Watch the Feb 9 Sermons
Catch the traditional service or modern service sermon videos here – cued up to the start of the sermons. Or, rewind to watch the entire service.
Grace Notes News/Events, 2/11 ed.
February 16th Worship, Extravaganza Invitation, Extravaganza Donations & Baskets, 3rd Grade Bibles, Grace Kids Summer Dates, New Grief Study; The Burger Boys, Women’s Connection, Prayer Blanket Workday Update, OCO Concert, Saving Grace, Grace Publication Deadlines, This Week at Grace, In Need of Prayer?
This Sunday in Feb 9 Worship
We have designated this Sunday as Red Sunday at Grace and you are encouraged to wear red to worship. I don’t believe that God roots for any specific team, even the Kansas City Chiefs, but God does not mind when we show support for our favorite teams. I love how teams can bring a community together and am grateful to be part of the Kansas City community with you. It is a great time to be a Chief’s fan.
Weekly Devotion: Are You a Hothouse Flower?
I was grown in a greenhouse.
I had two loving parents, a solid up-bringing. I learned right from wrong and how to make good decisions.
I learned that the world was a beautiful place, filled with beautiful people. Yes, bad things could happen, but I was generally safe and sound in my sheltered, climate-controlled existence.
Grace Notes News/Events, Feb 3 ed.
February 9th Worship, Red Sunday, 3rd Grade Bibles, Grace Kids Summer Dates, The Burger Boys, Prayer Blanket Workday, Extravaganza 2025, Extravaganza Baskets, OCO Concert, Saving Grace, Women’s Connection, Grief Study, Blood Drive, Grace Publication Deadlines, This Week at Grace, In Need of Prayer?
Watch the Feb 2 Sermons
Catch the traditional service or modern service sermon videos here – cued up to the start of the sermons. Or, rewind to watch the entire service.
This Sunday in 2/2 Worship
This Sunday we will continue our sermon series on “Gandhi’s Seven Deadly Social Sins.” After worship, we will have an All-Church Potluck in Grace Gathering beginning at 11:30 AM. In the announcement below you can see what food items to bring and share. I look forward to worshipping with you and breaking bread this Sunday.
Weekly Devotion: Mercy Full
You can’t talk about Christianity without talking about mercy.
But don’t take my word for it.
Christmas check presented to Angel House!
Grace UMC presented Janelle Wilke of Angel House a check towards the construction of the Angel House Elementary School.
Grace Notes Newsletter, 1/27 ed.
February 2nd Worship, Angel House Presentation, Open Arms Meeting, KPG Enrollment, 3rd Grade Bibles, Grace Kids Summer Dates, All-Church Potluck, Prayer Blanket Workday, Extravaganza 2025, Extravaganza Baskets, UMCOR Fire Relief, Blood Drive, February Women’s Connection, Giving Statements, This Week at Grace, In Loving Memory, In Need of Prayer?
Watch the 1/26 Sermons
Catch the traditional service or modern service sermon videos here – cued up to the start of the sermons. Or, rewind to watch the entire service.
This Sunday in 1/26 Worship
This Sunday we are going to present a check to Janelle Wilke for Angel House. Angel House was our Christmas mission and Grace far exceeded our goal of $30,000. I received a thank you note recently from Emmanuel Pius, the young medical student who we featured in the video. Here is what he wrote.
Weekly Devotion: Rocking It
Sisyphus was condemned.
Not by God, but by a god. Zeus. He was cursed to roll a heavy boulder up a hill, only to watch it fall back down to the bottom. Lather, rinse, repeat. Forever.
There are days when that’s how I feel.
Updates: Grace Kids, KPG Preschool, Extravaganza
updates to the site, including Grace Kids, Preschool, and Grace Extravaganza
Grace Notes Newsletter, 1/20 ed.
January 26th Worship, KPG Enrollment, Tochi Trip 2025, Inreach Outreach Team, Open Arms Meeting, 3rd Grade Bibles, Grace Kids Summer Dates, Extravaganza 2025, UMCOR Fire Relief, Blood Drive, January Women’s Connection, This Week at Grace, In Need of Prayer?
Watch the 1/19 Sermons
Catch the traditional service or modern service sermon videos here – cued up to the start of the sermons. Or, rewind to watch the entire service.
This Sunday in 1/19 Worship
One place that I find roots for my life is each Sunday when we gather for worship. Even when we are in between the “big” Sundays of the Christian year, our weekly rituals give me time to reflect and connect with God. The sanctuary becomes a place of rest where I can renew my spirit.
Weekly Devotion: Feeding on Folly
“As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.”
-Proverbs 26:11
This proverb is definitely a contender for “most likely to trigger one’s gag reflex”-and not just because of the mental image.
The second reason for gagging is the awful realization that I do this. All the time.
Grace Notes Newsletter, 1/13 ed.
January 19th Worship, Inreach Outreach Team, Table Hosts Needed, The Burger Boys, Open Arms, The Divine String Phone, Blood Drive, January Women’s Connection, Office Closed, This Week at Grace, In Need of Prayer?
Watch the 1/12 Sermons
Catch the traditional service or modern service sermon videos here – cued up to the start of the sermons. Or, rewind to watch the entire service.
This Sunday, 1/12, in Worship
I am very excited to start our next sermon series. Mahatma Gandhi was an amazing individual and one of my personal heroes. His impact on India and their Independence from Britian was an amazing accomplishment and his commitment to non-violence inspired leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr., the Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela.
Weekly Devotion: Perfection, Jesus style
I can love my enemies. I frequently include people who I think are jerks in my prayers! And I’ve been known to actually say hello to strangers on the elevator.
Maybe being perfect isn’t that hard?
Oh wait, that’s not the only scripture where Jesus talks about being perfect.
Grace Notes Info/Newsletter, 1/6 ed.
Church Office Closed, January 12th Worship, Charge Conference, The Divine String Phone, Extravaganza 2025, January Women’s Connection, This Week at Grace, In Need of Prayer?
Watch 1/5 Dialog Sermon
Watch the snow-day casual dialog sermon between Revs Barry and Mitch on Epiphany! Or rewind to watch the entire service, including music by our own Rick Fisher.
This Sunday in 1/5 Worship
We try not to cancel worship, and your pastors will do everything we can to make it to church. If we are able to make it to the church, we will have worship in person with whoever joins us. The second part is that we want you to be safe and make the best decision for you and your family. If you choose to stay home, our hope is that you will be able to join us online. If we decide to cancel worship, we will get the information to the local television stations and send out a mass email by 8:00 am on Sunday morning.
KPG Preschool Updates
The KPG Preschool Page has been updated with the new 2025-26 Enrollment Packet and staff photo!
Watch Dec 29 Sermons
The video of the combined service sermon is posted – cued up to the beginning of the sermon. Catch the messages from Rev Mitch, or rewind to watch the entire service:
Watch Dec 22 Sermons
The videos of the 9am traditional and 10:15am modern service sermons are posted – cued up to the beginnings of the sermons. Catch the messages from The Rev Barry and Rev Mitch, or rewind to watch the entire service:
Weekly Devotion: The Big Santa Lie
It’s time to blow the lid on this whole Santa lie.
Just not the one you’re thinking of.
Grace Notes Info Newsletter, 12/23 ed.
Christmas Eve Worship, Grace Mission Focus, December 29th Worship, Grace Kids Update, Save the Date, Women’s Connection, New 2025 Bible Study, Y.E.S. Fellowship, This Week at Grace, Church Office Closed, In Need of Prayer? Merry Christmas!
This Sunday in 12/22 Worship
Last Christmas I brought the tradition to Grace. On Sunday, I will share with you some of my favorite Christmas stories including “The Little Red Wagon.”
Weekly Devotion: Deck the WALLS
You’ve heard of Deck the Halls—how about Deck the WALLS?
It’s the 5th century BCE, and the Israelites are back home after years in exile. The Temple has been rebuilt, and Ezra the priest has helped reconnect the people to their spiritual roots. But something is still missing.
Grace Notes (Info Newsletter), 12/16 ed.
December 22nd Worship, Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve Volunteers Needed, Grace Mission Focus, Zaheer Popo Recital, Angel Tree Thank You, December 29th Worship, Women’s Connection, This Week at Grace, Church Office Closed, In Need of Prayer?
Watch Dec 15 Sermon/Cantata
The videos of the 9am traditional Christmas Cantata and 10:15am modern service sermon are posted – cued up to the beginnings of the sermons. Catch the messages from The Celebration Choir and Rev Mitch, or rewind to watch the entire service:
This weekend in 12/15 worship
This Sunday our Celebration Choir will present the Christmas Cantata “Sing Joy to All the World.” The title of the cantata sparked my curiosity about the genesis of the Christmas carol for which it is named. Turns out it is an interesting story.
Weekly Devotion: ‘Tis the Season for Retribution?
Deny, Defend, and Depose.
Those words were written on the bullets a young man used to assassinate the CEO of United Health Care.
In the span of a week, the shooter has become a folk hero, and the CEO, a vanquished villain.
There was a shooter look-alike contest in New York. Online merch with those 3 D’s has been flying off the shelves. The McDonald’s where the suspect was apprehended has been flooded with one-star reviews for turning him in.
I’m saddened to think about how some of us are drawn to celebrating the murder of this man while preparing for Christmas at the same time. Something about that doesn’t seem right.
Grace Notes (Info Newsletter) 12/9 ed.
December 15th Worship, Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve Volunteers Needed, Grace Mission Focus, Zaheer Popo Recital, Poinsettia Deadline, Angel Tree, December 29th Worship, Burger Boys, Women’s Connection, This Week at Grace, Church Office Closed, In Loving Memory, In Need of Prayer?
This weekend in Dec 8 worship
Advent is in full swing at Grace, and we have a full weekend of activities. Tomorrow is the Living Nativity and it looks like the weather will cooperate.
Weekly Devotion: 4 Christmas Party Fouls
It’s Christmas Party time!
Some people love ’em, and some people hate ’em, but if you find yourself invited to one (or lots) of these gatherings, here are four common mistakes to avoid:
Grace Notes, Dec 2 – What’s happening at Grace?
December 8th Worship, Christmas Eve, Grace Mission Focus, Organ Recital, First Friday Fellowship, Living Nativity, Poinsettias, Angel Tree, Choir Cantata, Women’s Connection, Silver Set Lunch, The Burger Boys, This Week at Grace, Information Deadlines, Prayers for Grace, In Need of Prayer?
Watch Dec 1 Sermons/Services
The videos of the 9am traditional and 10:15 modern services are posted – cued up to the beginnings of the sermons. Catch the messages from Pastors Barry and Mitch, or rewind to watch the entire service:
This Sunday in Dec 1 Worship
Angel House advent missions focus, Blue Christmas service Dec 1, Living Nativity Dec 7, Grace Angel Tree, Silver Set Lunch Dec 8
Grace Youth: Trips, Confirmation, Off Dates!
Check out the newly update Grace Youth (GUMY) Page! We have lots of new info up regarding this year’s mission trips, confirmation, and upcoming holidays off dates. Grace UM Church […]
Purchasing and Building | Four Ships
The purchasing of the current Grace property on Ridgeview, and the building of the church!
Merging and Naming | Four Ships
Grace is celebrating 25 years in the Ridgeview Building (1999-2024). A few years before building at this location, First UMC and Hope UMC joined churches to form Grace UMC – meeting in the building that became Center of Grace when we moved here. Here’s a recounting of that era from the pastors of First and Hope themselves, Gary Schrag and Fritz Clark.
Caring Congregation Training Event
Pastors and laity are trained to link arms to create a culture of care that is available to all members of the church and not just a selected few who might be in small groups or more well known. Trusted volunteers become Congregational Care Ministers or CCMs. This method of care is also recognized as a means for self-care for pastors as they share the daily load of ministry.
Camp SOS 2024 Recap Video
Enjoy this recap of the missions work done by our preteens in 2024.
Join Pastor Wes in his podcast!
James helps us to know what the source of conflict is, the dangers of unhealthy conflict, and how to navigate conflict when it comes.
Pastor Wes’s April 7 Sermon Link
This is the link to the sermon Pastor Wes is preaching about on April 7.
Highlight Reel from Blessing Sunday
September 10 we gathered for the blessing of the backpacks, animals, cars – with food truck treats, ministries info, and underwear donation for Center of Grace!
Episodes of Grace Podcast
Do you want to engage in Bible study but maybe you don’t have the time to come for a class? Check out this new podcast. Listen to weekly episodes on […]