For the quickest possible pastoral care response, please contact either:
Church Office: (913) 859-0111 Pastoral Care: Rev. Caren Loper at 785-219-3119
Pastoral Care FAQ
Can you visit me or my family member in the hospital?
Yes, we visit members of the church who are in the hospital. Please call 913-859-0111 and let us know your name and what hospital you will be going to, along with the date of your admittance. HIPAA laws prevent the hospital from letting us know that you are there, so please be sure to contact us directly to let us know about your hospital stay.
How do I get someone on the prayer list?
You can lift up yourself or someone else in prayer on the Prayer Requests Page or by calling the church office at 913-859-0111.
What do I need to do when my loved one dies?
The loss of a loved one is a difficult and draining time – but there’s no need to walk through it alone. Call the church office at 913-859-0111. We’ll connect you with one of our pastors, who will guide you through funeral arrangements and provide pastoral care as you grieve.
I am no longer able to attend church due to health issues. Can I still receive communion?
Yes, we have a pastoral care team that is happy to visit you and allow you to receive Communion. Please call 913-859-0111 to set up a time.
Do you offer grief counseling?
The answer is yes. You may ask for an appointment with Rev. Caren Loper, Pastoral Care Associate, or one of the other pastors on staff.
We’ll be happy to meet with you for a scheduled one-on-one appointment.
May I meet with someone to make my funeral/memorial service plans ahead of time?
We welcome you to meet with a minister to make your funeral/memorial plans in advance. In fact we think it’s a wonderful idea to consider your wishes for this very important service. Please contact the pastor you would like to work with directly or call 913-859-0111.
How do I get an appointment to talk with a pastor?
Should you wish to speak to one of the pastors, you may phone the church office at 913-859-0111 or contact one of the ministers in the department directly.
Additional Pastoral/Congregational Care Ministries include:
You’re Not Crazy-You’re Grieving
6 Steps for Surviving Loss
Alan D. Wolfelt, PH. D.
Books $16.00
New Study Begins February 11, 2025
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Glass Classroom
Grace United Methodist Church
Rev. Caren Loper
Caring Cooks: provide meals to families or individuals as determined by a Pastor or other Care Minister.
Upper Room Ministers: provide a copy of the Upper room to church members who are homebound. Upper Room ministers also visit with congregants and notify the Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care about the person’s health and if a pastoral visit is needed.
Hospital Visits: The Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care checks the Olathe Medical Center twice a week and is on-call to go to other hospitals when a congregant notifies the church and requests a visit. Caring Connection Ministers are also available to make hospital visits when needed.
Stork visits are made by Grace Staff or Caring Connection ministers to families with a new baby, providing a gift bag and, if requested, arranging a meal for the family.
Caring Connection Ministers are trained to do Hospital Calls, Stork Visits, and regular visits for persons in senior care facilities, who are homebound or in need of short-time support.
Prayer Shawls & Stephen Ministries Grief Books are also available upon request.
Mutual Help Grief Support Group – As the name implies, this is a welcoming group that provides support for anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one, no matter what stage of the journey. Some of the group have been members for a number of years and some have recently experienced their loss. It is not curriculum-based and is ongoing. The meetings are facilitated by Rev. Caren Loper, Pastoral Care Associate. Meetings are held at Grace United Methodist Church in the Chapel, 2nd floor. For information please contact Pastor Caren Loper, or 913-859-0111.