This Week in Worship – 4/19

Dear Grace Family,

This week I received a beautiful thank you letter from Barb McEver at Project 1020. If you remember, Project 1020 was our Advent mission and we raised over $21,000 to support the only cold weather shelter in Johnson County for people who are experiencing homelessness. She apologized that it took so long to send a thank you, but the shelter has had a very busy season. They have finally closed for the winter. Here are just a few of the statistics she shared.

In the 2023-24 season just ended March 31, we served over 8500 dinners and provided overnight shelter, a shower, clothing, and other supplies as well as compassion and support to over 300 unduplicated persons. We were at our way-too-low 30-bed capacity since December 2, with an average of triple that in requests for shelter. Thus, on occasion, to help keep people safe, we provided a night or two in a motel room because we were at capacity. Your donation went directly to that care for so many experiencing homelessness this winter!

The age range of the folks they served was between 18 and 83. Many were working and had cars but were simply struggling to make ends meet. Beyond shelter, Project 1020 helped many secure housing, receive financial support or mental health treatment and even find employment. Our support truly made a difference in lives we may never meet. Thank you for being a generous and missional congregation.

This Sunday we will continue our worship series on John Wesley’s sermons in our traditional services. One of the reasons l love Wesley is his emphasis on serving others and creating a better world. I am proud to serve a church that continues to stand in that Wesleyan tradition.

See you in worship!


SPECIAL SCREENING AT GRACE! Friday, May 10th, 6:30pm.

We are partnering with the group Amercian Public Square to host a screening of this documentary for both the church and community. Join or Die is a film about why you should join a club—and why the fate of America depends on it. Follow the story of America’s civic unraveling through the journey of Robert Putnam, whose legendary “Bowling Alone” research into American community decline may hold the answers to our democracy’s present crisis.



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