Service Ministry
Find Your Place at Grace!
There are countless ways for you to get involved here at Grace UMC. You can help with Children and Youth ministries by being a teacher, help prep for events, and much more. On Sunday mornings, offer hospitality by greeting, being a part of worship in the choir, or as a reader. Get involved with community outreach with events like the Living Nativity, or serve at the Center of Grace. Grow your faith in Bible Studies and Small Groups.
There are many opportunities to get involved with the Sunday morning worship experiences at Grace.
Sunday Morning Opportunities
Coffee Fellowship
Prepare coffee and serving tables for a comfortable environment for people to connect. Serve once a month.
Contact: Charlene Parkinson 913-859-0111
Greet worshipers warmly, distribute bulletins, gather offerings, and help serve Communion. Assist worshipers with any special needs. Serve weekly at one of the Worship Services.
Contact: Charlene Parkinson 913-859-0111
Door Greeter
Welcome guests before worship with a warm, friendly smile and help them find their way throughout the church. Serve one Sunday a month before a worship service.
Contact: Charlene Parkinson 913-859-0111
Parking Lot Greeter
Welcome guests even before they enter the building on Sunday. Aid persons needing help entering and exiting the building. Serve one Sunday a month from 8:30-11:00am
Contact: Richard Nelson 785-317-2981
Audio-Visual Team Member
Operate the sound board or multimedia presentation during worship or other events. Training is provided. Serve one Sunday a month.
Contact: Chandler Meierarend 816-267-3178
Communion Server
Serve the communion elements at the designated communion station for one of the weekend Worship Services. Serve one Sunday a month.
Contact: Kathie Pelan 913-558-4707 or Pat Becker 913-782-0067
Handbell Choirs
Glorify God through music ministry ringing handbells in one of the bell choirs at Grace.
Contact: Charlene Parkinson 913-859-0111
Vocal Choirs
Inspire the congregation through singing in the choirs. Celebration Choir – Adult Choir
Contact: Rick Fisher 816-516-5111
Lay Reader
Help lead our traditional worship services by reading the mornings scriptures.
Contact: Pastor Barry Dundas ()
Care Ministry
Even though we are a large church, we desire to know and be in relationship with each person to the best of our ability. Help us to care for this body of Christ as we reach out and offer support to those needing comfort. Listed below are opportunities to serve as an individual or a group. If you are interested in any of the following opportunities, please contact the leader directly or contact the church office at (913) 859-0111.
Care Ministry Opportunities
YES Council (Silverset)
A ministry by, with, and for persons over 55 years of age, to meet their spiritual needs. To act as a resource for other community agencies and to enable senior adults to enjoy and share their God given gifts and graces.
Contact: Joyce Christopher 913-481-7131 ()
Silver Set Server
Serve lunch to the older adults at Grace. Clear tables and wash dishes. Serve six times a year, the second Sunday of the month from 12:00-2:00pm.
Contact: Joyce Christopher 913-481-7131
Funeral Dinners
Prepare and serve a meal to the family after a member has passed away. Clean up afterward.
Contact: Joyce Christopher 913-481-7131
Caring Cooks
Provide dinner for people in the congregation who had an illness, surgery or a birth in their family. Serve as needed.
Contact: Joyce Christopher 913-481-7131
Caring Connection Ministry Team
Work with ministers & Care As- sociates to care for persons in time of crisis, transition and or ongoing limitations.
Contact: Rev. Caren Loper 913-219-3119
Good Grief
A support group for those dealing with grief. Sharing memories and lifting one another up through prayer.
Contact: Rev. Caren Loper 913-219-3119
Prayer Team
Support members and friends of Grace Church in prayer. Receive the requests daily by e-mail, or pick up a printout at worship.
Contact: Steph Goddard 913-269-6319
Grace-Filled Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice of stretching, movement and breath adaptable to anybody.
Contact: Robin Olson ()
Grace Kids
Grace Kids Children’s Ministry nurtures children from birth through 5th grade in their faith. From child care to Sunday school to day care, the Children’s Ministry is all about the social, emotional, and spiritual development of each child in their care.
Listed below are numerous ways you can share of your time and talents with the Children and Family Ministry Department. If you are interested in any of the following opportunities, please contact Stacy Guerrero at (913) 859-0111 or by email.
Grace Kids Volunteer Opportunities
Grace Kids Leader
Facilitate conversations and activities which help kids (early childhood, early elementary and upper elementary) develop an authentic faith. Lesson plans and supplies provided! Serve during the Sunday programming hour.
Contact: Stacy Guerrero ()
Nursery/Childcare Volunteer
Care for infants and young children during worship services and special events.
Contact: Stacy Guerrero ()
Grace Kids Special Events Volunteer
Develop and nurture kids in their faith in God and their relationships with one another. Watch for special events (i.e. VBS, SOS, Living Nativity, etc.) through the year.
Contact: Stacy Guerrero ()
Grace Kids Supply Prep
Help prep supplies for Sunday morning, holiday kits, special events and more! Prep can be done at home and at church as needed.
Contact: Nikki Mallinckrodt ()
Youth Ministry
Grace United Methodist Youth (GUMY) engages students from 6th grade through college in owning and strengthening their faith. Building relationships with other youth and small group leaders is fundamental for GUMY. Volunteers are needed to provide students with an environment where they are known, encouraged to grow spiritually and connected to non-parental, committed adults who care and love them just as they are.
Listed below are numerous ways you can share of your time and talents with GUMY. If you are interested in any of the following opportunities, please contact Jeff Milton at (913) 859-0111 or
Youth Ministries Volunteer Opportunities
GUMY Youth Group Volunteer
Develop and nurture youth, grades 6-12, in their faith journey and in their relationships with one another through games, messages and small-group study. Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm
Contact: Jeff Milton ()
GUMY Sunday School Volunteer
Study and discuss curriculum with youth, grades 6-12, in a fun and interactive way that fosters growth and friendship. Sundays, 9-10am.
Contact: Jeff Milton ()
GUMY Confirmation Mentor
Mentor a Confirmation student (8th grade) in their multi-week journey through the membership process. Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm. Spring semester, specific dates TBD.
Contact: Jeff Milton ()
Missions and Outreach
There are several ways to volunteer to help out the Olathe community and beyond!
Missions and Outreach
Center of Grace
There are countless ways to serve at the Center of Grace. From the weekly meals, clothing closet and so much more.
Contact: Center of Grace (913) 764-1353
Grace Extravaganza Team
To plan and execute the annual dinner/auction fund-raiser, with funds going to missions.
Contact: Liz Dunsing 913-269-4233
Kids Extravaganza Team
To plan and execute a safe and fun kids’ extravaganza which takes place while parents are attending Grace Extravaganza!
Contact: Stacy Guerrero ()
Common Grace Outreach Events
Help reach out to our community with events like the Living Nativity.
Contact: Pastor Mitch Todd ()
Adult Discipleship
Learn, grow your faith, and establish friendships!
Adult Sunday School
Each Sunday morning, we offer six adult classes. Each class has a unique identity and is ready to welcome you.
Contact: Pastor Wes Gately-Price 913-353-8340 ()
Adult Mid-Week Classes
Each semester there are several mid-week classes available. From morning, afternoon and evening. From short term book groups to 34 week courses, and a weekly podcast we have a group for you.
Contact: Pastor Wes Gately-Price 913-353-8340 ()