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Gandhi’s 7 Deadly Social Sins: Pleasure Without Conscience
Does our pursuit of pleasure do damage to others? Real joy is found in the things that brings us life and life to our community.
Gandhi’s 7 Deadly Social Sins: Wealth Without Work
The 1st of the series: Gandhi’s 7 Deadly Social Sins: Wealth Without Work -- by Rev. Mitch Todd
Gandhi’s 7 Deadly Social Sins: Wealth Without Work
Rev. Barry delivering the 1st of a series of 7: Gandhi’s 7 Deadly Social Sins: Wealth Without Work
Revs Barry and Mitch have a snow-day dialog sermon about Epiphany.
Incarnation part 5: The Door
Jesus describes himself in many ways, but when he calls himself the gate, or door, he invites us through the threshold and into new life.
Incarnation part 4: Light of the World
The prologue to the Gospel of John reveals a new--and very old--understanding of God's divine work. How does Jesus illumine us?
Christmas Stories with Rev. Barry Dundas
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