Rev. Mitch's Tuesday Devotion
Weekly Devotion: Seal
Valentines Day is brought to you this year by Seal.
As a seal.
Did you see the Superbowl ad? It was kind of bizarre, and kind of funny. It certainly didn’t make me crave a Baja Blast, but I guess it got my attention.
Weekly Devotion: Are You a Hothouse Flower?
I was grown in a greenhouse.
I had two loving parents, a solid up-bringing. I learned right from wrong and how to make good decisions.
I learned that the world was a beautiful place, filled with beautiful people. Yes, bad things could happen, but I was generally safe and sound in my sheltered, climate-controlled existence.
Weekly Devotion: Mercy Full
You can’t talk about Christianity without talking about mercy.
But don’t take my word for it.
Weekly Devotion: Rocking It
Sisyphus was condemned.
Not by God, but by a god. Zeus. He was cursed to roll a heavy boulder up a hill, only to watch it fall back down to the bottom. Lather, rinse, repeat. Forever.
There are days when that’s how I feel.
Weekly Devotion: Feeding on Folly
“As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.”
-Proverbs 26:11
This proverb is definitely a contender for “most likely to trigger one’s gag reflex”-and not just because of the mental image.
The second reason for gagging is the awful realization that I do this. All the time.
Weekly Devotion: Perfection, Jesus style
I can love my enemies. I frequently include people who I think are jerks in my prayers! And I’ve been known to actually say hello to strangers on the elevator.
Maybe being perfect isn’t that hard?
Oh wait, that’s not the only scripture where Jesus talks about being perfect.