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Incarnation part 3: The Good Shepherd
Jesus was a carpenter who called fishermen to follow him. Yet, when he described himself, he chose the image of a Shepherd. What does this tell us about the character of Christ?
Sing Joy to All the World
A Christmas Cantata by Lloyd Larson
presented by Grace UMC Celebration Choir
Incarnation part 2: The Vine
Jesus speaks of himself as the True Vine, and invites us to abide in him. How can you bear fruit this Advent?
Incarnation part 1: Bread of Life
This Advent we move toward the birth of Jesus as the Incarnation of the Word made Flesh. Each week we will look at a different symbol Jesus used to describe himself. This week, the Bread of Life.
Living Faithfully in Changing Times: Lessons from Daniel Part 4
"Giving Thanks in the Lion's Den"
What are you thankful for? Looking back, we might realize God was with us all along.