This Week in 7/28 Worship

Dear Grace Family,
The Administrative Board met this week and approved two significant changes at Grace. I am excited about both changes and the possibilities they bring. The first is a Sunday morning schedule change. On September 15, the 11:00 AM traditional worship will move to 10:30 AM. We are making the change with the hope that it will bring new life into our smallest worship service. My research led me to believe that 11:00 is not the best time to start worship in Olathe. The last time this service was thriving, it started at 10:45. There are other factors besides the time change that led to its decline, but it was one factor. When the two traditional services were scheduled closer together, it allowed the choir to sing at both. We have wonderful music at Grace and our musicians add an energy and spirit to worship that helps us connect to God. My hope is that the new schedule will help us grow the 10:30 AM service.

The second significant change is a partnership with a new Korean United Methodist Church called Bonfire Church. Two years ago, the only Korean UMC in the Kansas City area disaffiliated from our denomination. With around 10,000 Korean residents in Johnson County, the Great Plains Conference appointed Reverand Chang Hyun Kim to plant a new church. In January, I met with Chang to hear about his dream for a new church. We both left the meeting with a feeling that the Holy Spirit was calling our churches to work together. Statistics show that only about 10% of church plants survive. Most close within the first five years because they do not have the resources they need. A core group for the new church has already started to meet at Grace on Sunday afternoons to pray and plan for the new church. Their goal is to start worship services in October on Sunday afternoons in Grace Gathering. The Administrative Board saw many opportunities we have to support and partner with the Bonfire Church. Soon you will see a banner on Ridgeview advertising the Korean United Methodist Church meeting in our building. I believe that Grace is the perfect location and congregation to partner with Pastor Chang.

I once heard that a healthy church is a church that can say “That was a good try!” Change is not always easy, but it is often necessary, and it can be exciting. We are going to continue to try new things at Grace as we live into God’s purpose for our church. They may not all succeed, but I am grateful to serve a church that is willing to say, “That was a good try!”

See you in worship!

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