This Sunday in 2/2 Worship

Dear Grace Family,

My news feeds yesterday were dominated by the tragedy in Washington D.C. when a Blackhawk helicopter collided with a passenger plane that took off from Wichita, Kansas. I am not personally connected to anyone who lost their life, but I still feel the sadness and pain from the event. We have not experienced a commercial airline crash in the U.S. since 2009. There will be plenty of voices pointing fingers and looking for someone to blame, but I invite you to take a moment and pray for God’s healing Spirit to surround everyone involved with this tragedy. We are at our best when we choose to lead with care and compassion for our brothers and sisters who are hurting.

When we face a tragedy in our communities, I have found there is no better place to come together than our local churches. It is a reminder that we are all connected to each other and to God. As we lean on each other to share our grief, something sacred happens. God’s Holy Spirit becomes visible as we love one another.

This Sunday we will continue our sermon series on “Gandhi’s Seven Deadly Social Sins.” After worship, we will have an All-Church Potluck in Grace Gathering beginning at 11:30 AM. In the announcement below you can see what food items to bring and share. I look forward to worshipping with you and breaking bread this Sunday.

See you in worship!


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