Prayer Requests
Are you in need of prayers?
Use this link: Prayer Request Form (or QR code below) to go to an online form that sends your prayer/care request to our Congregational Care Pastor, Rev. Caren Loper.
Alternatively, you may fill out a prayer request form on paper at either Hub on Sunday mornings.
Pastor Caren handles all requests for pastoral care, funeral arrangements, and the funeral team. Please contact Caren at (913) 859-0111
If you would like someone from the church to visit you while you or your family member is in the hospital, please call Pastor Caren at (913) 859-0111
Please note that due to the HIPPA laws, our pastors are not allowed access to information from hospitals. Therefore, it is necessary to directly inform the church office at (913) 859-0111 of your needs so that we can care for you.