Grace Notes – Sept 30


October 6th Worship, Y.E.S. Trip to Baker Univ., First Friday Fellowship, Coat Drive, The Burger Boys, This Week at Grace, Trunk or Treat, Women’s Connections, Are You In Need of Prayer?, GUMY Events

October 6th Worship

9:00 & 10:30 AM Traditional Worship

The Four Ships: “Discipleship” — Rev. Barry Dundas
Scripture: Matthew 4:18-22

10:15 AM Common Grace Modern Worship

Rev. Mitch Todd

World Communion Sunday

Join us for a guys’ cookout at
Pastor Mitch’s house
10206 Theden Cr, Lenexa
7-9 pm
Burgers, Dogs, and Venison will be provided, along with condiments.
Please bring beverages, chips, sides, or desserts to share. And bring chairs!!!
RSVP by texting “burgers” to 913-347-7870

Join the fun! To reserve a parking space, email Mitch at 
You can buy inexpensive trunk or treat kits on Amazon. Bring plenty of candy to hand out.  IF YOU CAN’T BE THERE, PLEASE DONATE LOTS OF CANDY! We’ll spread the extra between all the cars because we’re expecting a LOT of kids!

Grace UMC Youth

Deadline for Signups is Sunday, October 13th! All are welcome as we travel to Baldwin City to visit Baker University, founded in 1858 and affiliated with the United Methodist Church. Their Quale Bible collection has more than 800 bibles, relics, and historical documents dating back centuries. The Chapel, originally located in England, was reassembled on the campus in 1995, and the Old Castle Museum was the first university building. We’ll make a stop for lunch at the end of the tour. Meet at the Grace UMC upper parking lot at 9:00 am on Wednesday, Oct. 16 to carpool to Baldwin City. A signup sheet and payment box are located at the main entrance kiosk. Please provide your name, contact number and a check for $5 per person.  For more information contact Marsha Diekmann 913-461-9936.

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