Grace Notes – Sept 23
Sept. 29th Worship, Women’s Connections, Children/Youth Update, COG 25th Anniversary, All-Church Potluck, This Week at Grace, Y.E.S. Trip, First Friday Fellowship, In Need of Prayer?
September 29th Worship
9:00 & 10:30 AM Traditional Worship
A Fish Story of Biblical Proportions!: “I Knew You Couldn’t Do It” — Rev. Wes Gately-Price
Scripture: Jonah 3:10-4:11
10:15 AM Common Grace Modern Worship
The Heavens Declare Part 3: “Touching the Cosmos” — Rev. Mitch Todd
Scripture: Psalm 19:1-4; Job 38:4-7, 31-33
All are welcome as we travel to Baldwin City to visit Baker University, founded in 1858 and affiliated with the United Methodist Church. Their Quale Bible collection has more than 800 bibles, relics, and historical documents dating back centuries. The Chapel, originally located in England, was reassembled on the campus in 1995, and the Old Castle Museum was the first university building. We’ll make a stop for lunch at the end of the tour. Meet at the Grace UMC upper parking lot at 9:00 am on Wednesday, Oct. 16 to carpool to Baldwin City. A signup sheet and payment box are located at the main entrance kiosk. Please provide your name, contact number and a check for $5 per person. For more information contact Marsha Diekmann 913-461-9936.
September 24th (9 am): Walking Group – Olathe Community Center
(meet by the playground); meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.
Women of all ages are welcome!
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