Grace Notes Info/Newsletter, 1/6 ed.


Church Office Closed, January 12th Worship, Charge Conference, The Divine String Phone, Extravaganza 2025, January Women’s Connection, This Week at Grace, In Need of Prayer?

January 12th Worship

9:00 & 10:30 AM Traditional Worship

“WEALTH without WORK” –Rev. Barry Dundas

Scripture: II Thessalonians 3:6-13

10:15 AM Common Grace Modern Worship

Rev. Mitch Todd

Join Pastor Wes on Wednesdays at Noon or Thursdays at 6:30pm for a study on the Bible. We will look at the Context, Genres, and History of the Bible and how to Interpret the Bible today. Reach out to  with any questions. SAVE THE DATE!

Shake, Rattle, and Save the Date for our 2025 Grace Extravaganza Sock Hop! Plan on putting on your favorite peepers, dancing oxfords and having a ball on Friday, March 7, 2025. Join us for fun, fellowship and good food while we raise funds for our Missions and Ministries. Mark your calendars and watch for more information.

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