Grace Notes – Aug 12


August 18th Worship, The Burger Boys, Time Change, Care Ministry Seminar, 6th Grade Move Up, As the Page Turns, Ice Cream Social, In Loving Memory, Connections, This Week at Grace, Fall Studies, Spam Texts & Emails

August 18th Worship

9:00 & 11:00 AM Traditional Worship

“Coaching the Future Stars” — Rev. Barry Dundas
Scripture: Mark 10:13-16

10:15 AM Common Grace Modern Worship

“Coaching the Future Stars” — Rev. Mitch Todd
Scripture: Ephesians 6:1-4, 10-17

Join Grace as we share ice cream with our friends and neighbors at Olathe Old Settlers on Saturday evening, September 7th. There are many ways to participate: donate supplies, help make ice cream, help serve ice cream or come eat ice cream. Please contact Anna Purcell with any questions  or 816-806-6417. Sign up to help by using the sign up genius link or forms found at the connection hubs.

August Activities13th (9 am): Walking Group – Indian Creek Trailhead (127th and Blackbob; enter park on Blackbob; parking lot is south of 127th and Blackbob is on the east side); Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.

14th (10 am – 1:00 pm – come and go): Crafting Group – Glass Classroom at Grace UMC (if front doors are locked enter through doors off of the lower parking lot); bring a snack/lunch (optional); learn to crochet the prayer shawls distributed by the Caring Connections Ministry; (bring an H circle hoop, H straight needle and 2 skeins of yarn – if available); Meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month.

15th (11:30 am – 1:00 pm): Luncheon at Johnny’s on Ridgeview – Olathe (order and pay for own lunch); theme: “Nursing in the Olathe School District”, donation opportunity – honey lemon cough drops (individually wrapped); Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month.

20th (9:30 am): Volunteer Opportunity – writing thank you cards for donations made to the Global Care Force Organization (10000 Marshall Drive, Suite L3, Lenexa); carpooling available as needed. Meet at Grace UMC’s upper parking lot at 9:00 am. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.

27th (9 am): Walking Group – Indian Creek Trailhead (127th and Blackbob; enter park off of Blackbob; parking lot is south of 127th and Blackbob on the east side); Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Women of all ages are invited to attend any of the activities listed.

Church members have once again been receiving text messages asking for help that say they are from Pastor Barry. Please do not respond to the messages. Your pastors and staff will never email or text you a message asking for a favor that you need to handle discreetly. You are encouraged to contact the church office if you ever receive a questionable email or text asking for assistance.

Register by August 30th for this event! Grace UMC will pay for all Grace attendees. Please email Caren Loper at  saying you wish to attend and include the following information in your email:first and last name, email address, cell phone number, if you have allergies or special food requirements