35 events found.
Additional events may be found in the latest issue of Grace Notes in Latest News/Posts.
Additional events may be found in the latest issue of Grace Notes in Latest News/Posts.
The Holiday Season can be a difficult time for many of us. --an empty chair due to a death or separation --maintaining sobriety during stressful or alcohol-present events --financial burdens, pressure, expectations --family drama of any kind
Sing Joy to All the World -- a Lloyd Larson Cantata
SUNDAY DECEMBER 15 -- 9:00AM and 10:30 AM
Candlelight With Communion Traditional: 3pm, 5pm, 7pm (livestreamed) -- Celebration Center. *ASL Interpreter at 5pm and 7pm. Available on request for 3pm and 11pm. 11pm -- Grace Gathering Room Modern (Common Grace): 6pm -- Grace Gathering Room
We'll have one combined worship service on 12/29 at 10am in the Celebration Center.